Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Free Mini-Games!!!

I was just browsing around the Poptropican Store today and and I saw two very interesting cards....

These cards are sneek peeks of Shrink Ray Island and Red Dragon Island!!! Cool, huh? I guess many wanted to play the game again after the island ended so they put it into the store. I would love to play Diner Dash over and over again! It's free too so no credits required.

Love the idea Poptropica. Can't wait for more to come out!

~Speedy Wing~

4th Birthday!!

♪Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Poptropica!! Happy Birthday to you!♫ :-)

This is Poptropica's 4th birthday!! (I could've sworn it was older than that!) Anyways, there's a free gift to celebrate the birthday! If you go into a multiverse room, you see that there's lots of balloon. If you find one with a big 4 and pop it, you get a prize!! This is kinda similar to what they had last year for the 3rd birthday. The prize is a birthday cake costume. You can also stop by the store to get your free balloon.

Also, in September, members will get to get limited items from the past. So if didn't get them before, here's your change to get them!!! I'm not a member so I'm not too worried about that.

Well, I haven't gotten the balloon yet and I didn't get it last year...... so, I AM GOING TO TRY MY HARDEST TO GET IT!!!! Happy searching!

~Speedy Wing~

P.S. I have moved the day to releasing my information of Legendary/ Robots Island dued to my busy schedule and because I need time to prepare my info. I will release the information once Mystery Train Island is out for all members. (Apparently they moved the release date like I did.) Thanks for your patient!

Friday, August 26, 2011

ROBOTS?! Taking over Poptropica??

Your heart is beating fast. You've been running away from evil metal robots. They are coming for you...... they want to destroy you.......... There's no other thing to do other than running..... running far away....... Then you reach a dead end. The robots are coming closer and closer. "Bleep. Bleep. There he/she is!! Get her/him!!" There's no backing out now.....
Interesting start to my post right? I'm just trying to add some drama to this new island. As many of you know, there's a new island coming to Poptropica and apparently, it's all about robots.

I've known about the robots for a very long time and I want to share my knowledge! Too bad I won't share it for another week or so. Many people are excited for the release of Mystery Train Island on September 5th. (Or at least the members.) That's the day that I will give my information about the new island. Until then, please enjoy this picture that I drew.

~Speedy Wing~

P.S. Please make sure you click the egg on the sidebars!! My last egg died and I really want to hatch a dragon. Just click it at least once a day and you'll be a big help!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I was right!!

Dr. Hare traveled once again. I took a guess and guessed Maine. Here's the answer......
I was right! I'm such a good guesser. (Or geography wizard.)

Monday, August 22, 2011

The Hare is on the Move!

Dr. Hare has been traveling all over the world and he's been at it again! The first place he went to was Lagoon in Utah. (Click here to see my post on it!) Then he went and traveled all the way to London, England!

 ♪London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down.♫

Music?! Really?! Not necessary. Anyways, the Creator's just posted a where Dr. Hare is next. Here's the picture:
Shark Boy said this is going to be tricky and that Dr. Hare is in a national park somewhere on the East Coast of the United States. I'm going to guess somewhere on the coast of Maine since that looks like cliffs I've seen before. (I've seen pictures of rocky places in Maine.) Click here to see the Creators' post.

Where do you think it is??

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Drawing Mysterys with Robots!!

Sorry that I haven't been posting around my hideout this month but I've been working at D.C. Diner and been really busy. Anyways, I've been on Poptropica Secrets Forum and one of my greatest friends got a new Poptropican blog!! Please check it out: Cuddly Panda's Blog. I hope you guys like her. =)

Few annoucement now! As many of you know, Mystery Train Island is out on September 9th for members! Here's the trailer that many have probably seen.
Alrighty, next up, it's robots. As many of you know, there have been a lot of robot commotion on the Sneek Peeks. Well I'll share my knowlegde about those robots and what's in store of Poptropica on Septemeber 9th. Make sure to check here in the hideout!!

Lastly, I've been learning how to draw Poptropicans. (Got the idea from Cuddly Panda.) I've been drawing myself and others. I'll post my pictures later on my hideout and my album on Poptropica Secrets Forum! Well see ya around!! (Make sure to visit the egg on the egde of the page!!)

~Speedy Wing~

Thursday, August 11, 2011

D.C. Diner is now here!!

Hi everyone. I just got a job at D.C. Diner!! I'm just taking a quick break right now before I have to start working again. The train's suppose to come soon and people need food! I'm so glad that I'm a waiter because I cannot cook that well at all. Please come by to eat anytime. Well, sorry to go off so fast but I need to get back to work soon.

"Hey!! Where's my root beer?!" Whoops gotta run!! Here's some snapshots of me at D.C. Diner and my 'uniform' for work!!

Diner Girl

I actually served Thomas Edison and Mark Twain!! Then, Shiny Sun got the job and she served those two and Harry Houdini!! I really wish I could've served him!


~Speedy Wing~

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My first post by Shiny Sun

Hi my name is Shiny sun. This is my first post so far. I'm glad to be on my sister's (petpet) blog. So now I'll have a blog now.

Here's an interview with me and Speedy Wing:

Speedy Wing: Hiya sis! How are you enjoying my hideout?

Shiny Sun: Uh, this is my first post hello?

Speedy Wing: Oh fine. :p Well, I hope you post more.

Shiny Sun : Just one thing, you have to go on less.

Speedy Wing: What?! You're not the boss of me. :p Well, let's start the interview shall we?

Shiny Sun: Yeah sure but, just stop ':p' ing me.

Speedy Wing: Oh okay. How long have you been on Poptropica??

Shiny Sun: I think since I was six or seven.

Speedy Wing: Okay, how many islands have you finished?

Shiny Sun: All of them besides the member one. Or the mystery train

Speedy Wing: Yep. Almost all with my help. Which of the islands is your favorite??

Shiny Sun: Umm........ I don't know..... Maybe.....Time Tangled...

Speedy Wing: I thought it would be Red Dragon or Mythology but okay. Do you like to chat or battle more?

Shiny Sun: Well I do like Mythology, well I like most.....I don't really...... I go on Poptropica mostly when there's a new island. I usually go on Bearville (not on the laptop though).

Speedy Wing: Okay. Well it's time for piano practice. Bye everyone! :)

Shiny Sun: Bye!

So that was the intervew:)

see ya!
Shiny Sun/Hannah

New member!

Everyone can visit my blog but not everyone can be a member. Well, my little sister, Shiny Sun/Hannah is now a member of my hideout!! I can't wait for everyone to meet her. She'll be posting more about Poptropica and some of her greatest costume ideas!

She also has a file on the forum. Her profile name is Shiny Sun. You can either contact me (Petpet123) or Shiny Sun from now on. Hope you like her!!

~Speedy Wing~

Monday, August 8, 2011

I'm a star!!

As many of you know, Carl's Jr. and Harlee's are doing kids meals. Well, I went there on Saturday and since I'm too old for kid meals, my little sister got one!! She got a decoder from Spy Island. It's just like the one that we use but there's only one setting. Thanks for letting me use the code Shiny Sun! (My little sister.)

Anyways, you can get free stuff to wear if you redeem a code. Look what we got:

The first one is a happy star. Just customize it and you are a star! Literally. I don't use it much.

The second one is.... is...... STAR POWER! I really love this one. Stars just follow you everywhere. This one really makes me feel like a star. Since I'm the star of my hideout.......



Thursday, August 4, 2011

Answer revealed!

Do you remember this picture?

Have you figured it out?? So, was it really some fancy computer trick or something else??

It's -wait. I need a drumroll. *drumrolls*- thank you. It's.......... two people!! Yep. You heard me. If you look carefully, it's a picture of two similar Speedy Wings in a Multiverse room. There's also different followers. The one on the left has a bee and the other has a humming bird. Also, the one on the right is also phantomized.

So who is me then?? Okay, no more stalling. I'm the one on the right. I was doing Multiverse with my friend, Strange Clown, and she decided to copy my look. So from now on, to know the real me, make sure I look how I look and that I'm phantomized and have a hummingbird follower.

Case of two Speedy Wings: Closed

Message to Strange Clown: I'm making you famous!! You better treat me right on the forum! (I'm totally kidding.)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Over 100 and More pics! :)

I reached over 100 views!! It's only been about a week and now look at me! Thanks for all your support out there. You are what keeps me wanting to post! I'm working on stories to post on my blog and I will post them once I get 500 views so keep coming to my hideout!

Well, I was having some fun again and started Multiverse with my friends and sister. We just did different costume themes and I took some pictures. Here, take a look:

These one's below are group pictures of Shiny Sun, Strange Clown, Lucky Lizard, and Me. 

Princess Faires



Pop/Rock Stars!
This last picture is vampire themed. It has Shiny Sun, Strange Clown, Icy Fire, and Shaggy Penguin (my other file.)

Can you tell who is who??

Mulitverse Fun!!

I was having a lot of fun Multiversing with my friends today! I was chatting a lot and versing too. Here's some pictures I took.

Look how many people were in the room!! Loads of fun!



We tried doing the 'Speedy Wing' look. Look at all the Speedy Wing look a-likes!! :o Info:
Picture1, People from left to right: Shoeless Panda, Lucky Lizard, Shiny Sun, Speedy Wing, and Strange Clown.
Picture 2, People from left to right: Shiny Sun, Speedy Wing, Shaggy Penguin, Lucky Lizard, and Strange Clown.

That was a whole lot of fun!! Wanna join?? Find me on Poptropica Secrets forum when I'm on and I might mulitverse with you!!